484-919-5500 [email protected]

True PurposeĀ® Institute

Consultant & Coach Directory

True PurposeĀ® Institute was one of those rare projects that had a strong technical component, but also came out absolutely beautiful! Those clouds move as a background video drawing the visitor into the two prominent calls to action.

On the back-end, each coach and consultant needs to be able to login and update their own listing content, but no one else’s. Additionally, only certain users would be authorized to create blog posts. This set of user rights conflicts with WordPress’s out-of-the-box user management, but was achieved without a plugin using WordPress custom role functions.

A nice layout with engaging animation is coupled with superior back-end customization producing a highly functional and highly user interactive site emphasizing that True PurposeĀ® Institute’s call to change the world.

Visit: http://www.truepurposeinstitue.com